Volunteers are vital to the health and wellbeing of our community

Volunteers: we need you!

* 16 December 2022 *

Volunteers are the icing on the cake! They add to the leisure and lifestyle programs in residential care where their gift of time and talents is so beneficial and greatly appreciated.

Firstly, thank you to all our wonderful volunteers for the support you provide our organisation and for the kindness and care you so generously offer our residents.

Volunteering takes all shapes! While some people might volunteer on a regular basis, others offer to help occasionally with outings or events when they can.

“We love all types of volunteers!” says General Manager – Human Resources, Tamara Paton. “Every volunteer is unique and that’s valuable because each resident is unique.”

“Also, with pandemic precautions remaining in place, we often ask reside

nts to stay in their own unit, which means the lifestyle team has to run separate activities in each unit, which is not easy.

“There are times when an extra pair of hands can really enhance the experience for our residents,” says Tamara.

If you are interested in volunteering, we’d love to hear from you! Call the Lifestyle Coordinator at your preferred aged care home – or for central office volunteering, call Krishna on 9810 5529.


Corporate Volunteering

Some organisations promote volunteering among their staff with an annual corporate volunteering day. 

If your organisation has a corporate volunteering program, please suggest that Vasey RSL Care is added to their list of not-for-profit organisations that their staff can choose from – we would love to have you and your co-workers volunteering with us! 


Sue, Isla and Linda talk about Volunteering