* 28 June 2022 *
The centenary year of the Royal Australian Air Force, March 2021 to March 2022, was a year of important commemorations for all who have been part of this service. One aspect of their commemorations was to honour RAAF members turning 100 during the centenary year. Our resident, Alan Day, was one of these, turning 100 in February.
On a glorious autumn day at Vasey RSL Care Frankston South, resident Alan Day was the proud recipient of his Certificate of Recognition – Centenarian Veteran by the Royal Australian Air Force.
The beautifully framed certificate was presented to Alan by Warrant Office Bradley Parmenter and Flight Lieutenant Joshua Moore from RAAF Base Point Cook, in the presence of Alan’s daughter, Leonie Omond, together with members from the Darwin Defenders 1942-45 Melbourne group, Robyn Bell, Michele Gallin and Bernadette Lightfoot, Alan’s good friend and fellow Knight of St John, Mr Alex Anderson, and Alan’s fellow residents at Vasey RSL Care Frankston South.
Alan was born in Ivanhoe and was just 18 when he attended RAAF training camp in NSW. Due to an accident, he became a medical orderly and was in Darwin when the bombs fell in 1942. He went on to serve in the Pacific in Morotai and Borneo.
As a founding member of the Darwin Defenders 1942-45, and in later years as their President, Alan attended annual commemorative services in Melbourne and on several occasions travelled to Darwin for significant services on the anniversary of the bombing of Darwin.
One of Alan’s aims has been to educate the younger generation on the significance and importance of the events of Darwin in 1942: his Darwin Defenders Memorial Poem is now recited by primary school students at the annual commemorative service at Melbourne’s Shrine of Remembrance.
For many years, Alan called Mornington home and he tirelessly assisted in fundraising efforts for Legacy, the War Widows Guild and the Weary Dunlop Foundation before coming to live at Vasey RSL Care.
Congratulations, Alan on this recognition of your service – and your centenary!

Alan’s Certificate of Recognition as a centenarian and RAAF veteran in the 100th year of the RAAF.

Alan with his daughter, Leonie Omond.

Alan with Flight Lieutenant Joshua Moore and Warrant Officer Bradley Parmenter.

Alan surrounded by Flight Lieutenant Joshua Moore, Bernadette Lightfoot, Michele Gallin, Robyn Bell, Warrant Officer Bradley Parmenter and daughter, Leonie Omond.