* 11 November 2022 *

Janna Voloshin at the Royal Chelsea Hospital in London – home of the ‘Chelsea Pensioners’ – British veterans.
Today, we stop for one minute’s silence at the eleventh hour on the eleventh day of the eleventh month.
We remember the Australians who gave their lives for the freedom we enjoy today.
And as we remember ours, people all over the world stop to remember theirs. From tiny villages in the Italian Alps to remote towns in Canada; from the many sites of battle in countries far and near to the Shrines of Remembrance scattered across the world. All are honouring those who went but did not return.
On this day, our world is united in remembrance. United in our gratitude. United in our commitment to their honour.
Lest we forget.
I have become more acutely aware of this shared legacy after my recent research tour to Great Britain, a tour postponed for more than two years due to the pandemic. Great Britain has a profound and enduring sense of respect for all who have served and who continue to serve; visits to a range of innovative aged care options and veteran-specific services have been insightful and motivating.
Vasey RSL Care has an important role here in Victoria to achieve our mission to ‘Serve Those Who Served’. Learning from others helps us see how we can do more for our ex-service community – our aged care residents, our home care clients, our ex-service housing residents, and soon, our new V Centre veterans.
As we stop today at 11 o’clock, my thoughts will turn to the people all over the world united by this shared commemoration as they too fall silent as their clocks reach 11am.
We remember all who have served, all who continue to serve, and all who gave their lives in service.
We commit to going forward to Serve Those Who Served.
Janna Voloshin
Chief Executive Officer
Left: a typical memorial to those who died in a small village in the northern parts of Italy, naming 82 men who died at the front and a further 12 who died as a result of World War I. The names include 14 with one surname, 12 with another surname, and many multiple names. Villages like this were decimated by their response to the war. More information and photo source: https://www.pietredellamemoria.it/pietre/monumento-ai-caduti-di-vinadio-cn/
Right: a small town in Canada lists the names of 15 local men who died in World War I, the youngest being 14. In Canada, men in rural areas rode or walked to the nearest community to enlist while over 2500 nurses served overseas. Photo source: https://willowhousechronicles.wordpress.com/2009/11/11/their-name-liveth-for-evermore/ More information: http://www.meanderingsandmuses.com/2010/11/meet-me-at-cenotaph-by-sharon-wildwind.html