* 4 September 2023 *
The Winter quarter can often be a quieter time of year, but that has not been the case this year.
Progress with The V Centre
We have been very pleased to have meetings with Senator for Tasmania (and veteran) Jacqui Lambie MP, Deputy Prime Minister and Federal Minister for Defence, The Hon Richard Marles MP, and Federal Minister for Veterans, The Hon Matt Keogh MP, to talk about the ways we support the ex-service community, and in particular, The V Centre Veteran Empowerment Program.
It is pleasing to find that word of The V Centre has reached those in a position of influence. We were invited to submit a further funding submission and we await the results of this, while continuing to advocate for support at all levels of government.
The response to The V Centre initiative from the ex-service community has been nothing but positive and we are continuing to move ahead, with renovations going well and recruitment of key staff now under way.
Saluting Excellence Awards 2023
Thank you to all who submitted nominations for staff members for the annual Saluting Excellence Awards: we appreciate you taking the time to do this. Award winners will be announced at the Saluting Excellence Conference in November.
National Homelessness Week, 7-13 August
Homelessness is a growing issue right across Australia and the statistics indicate that veterans are disproportionately affected with homelessness rates of 5.3% for veterans compared with 1.9% of the general population. (Source AHURI 2019)
Our Executive Management Team supported awareness of homelessness during National Homelessness Week by preparing some ‘Rocky Road’ and delivering it to the Mitcham Community Meal: this is a wonderful service that provides a hot meal to those “who need a decent feed, as well as someone to have a friendly chat with”. Around 50-60 people attend each week.
New Ivanhoe Units Opening Imminently!
As we go to press, we are about to take possession of our 27 brand new Ivanhoe Ex-Service Accommodation apartments at Samma Place on Bell Street, Ivanhoe. By the time you read this, residents from the current 17 Ivanhoe units will have moved in and we wish them happiness in their new homes!
This changeover gives us 10 additional units and the ability to house some of those on our waiting list.
This brings our total to over 300 ex-service units and increases our capacity to support veterans and their families with much-needed affordable rental housing.
New Bundoora Ex-Service Units
To the same end, we are working closely with the City of Darebin on our plans for 20 new ex-service units adjacent to our aged care home on Tower Avenue.
These will be individual units with private open space and most will have a garage. Energy-efficiency is an important aspect of any new build and these units will be powered by electricity with solar panels, energy-efficient hot water pumps, double glazing, LED lighting and water tanks. Garages will have electric vehicle charge points and insulated doors. We are planning to start this build in 2024.
Royal Commission Melbourne Sessions
The final hearing block for the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide is taking place from Monday 28 August and submissions are open until 13 October. We encourage you to share your personal story (if you are able) and help change this unacceptable situation for the veterans of the future.
Aged Care Workers Day, 7 August – #thanksforcaring
I’d like to finish by thanking our whole workforce for the work they do to provide care and support to our aged care residents, home care clients and ex-service unit residents. We are indeed fortunate to have a wonderful team here at Vasey RSL Care.
Janna Voloshin,
Chief Executive Officer