* 28 May 2023 *
We celebrate May as the Lung Health Awareness Month to encourage everyone to keep your lungs safe and to recognise symptoms of lung health problems and act urgently.
There are three things you can do to your lungs:
- Check your lung health
- Prevent respiratory infections
- Get vaccinated
Check your lung health
You regularly check your car for safety, so why not do the same for your lungs?
According to the Lung Foundation of Australia, 45 Australians die from lung disease and lung cancer every day.
Anyone, no matter what age or background, can be affected by lung disease. Breathlessness, persistent cough or mucous and fatigue should not be ignored or put down to aging and lack of fitness.
So, take the time to check your lung health today – complete the interactive lung health quiz checklist: Click here
Prevent respiratory infections
With the COVID-19 case numbers on the rise again and the influenza season knocking at our doors, prevention of infection is still a lot better than cure.
Do these to prevent respiratory infections:
- Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth
- Cover your sneeze or cough
- Practise physical distancing by staying 1.5 meters from others
- Wear a mask when in crowded places
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces
- Stay at home if you are unwell.
Common COVID-19 symptoms include fever, sore throat, cough, and shortness of breath. Others include runny nose, headache and muscle or joint pain. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, wear a fitted face mask when you get tested.
Get vaccinated and stay well this winter
Immunisation against flu (influenza) is recommended for everyone aged 6 months and over, while COVID-19 vaccinations are available for eligible individuals through your local pharmacy or GP. It is safe and effective to have both at the same time.
Vaccines use your body’s immune system to increase your protection to an infection before you come in contact with it.
Simply put, it is like being infected with the disease without suffering the actual symptoms. And if you come into contact with an infection after getting vaccinated, your body will work to stop you from getting the disease, or you may just get a mild case.
Vaccinations have been rigorously tested, so they are safe and effective in protecting against infectious disease.
Source Information:
Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care. (2022). COVID-19 disease and symptoms: https://www.health.gov.au/health-alerts/covid-19/symptoms.
Health Direct. (2023). How to avoid COVID-19. https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/covid-19/how-to-avoid-covid-19
Lung Foundation Australia. (2023). See the signs: https://lunghealth.lungfoundation.com.au/
State Government of Victoria. (2023). Get vaccinated: https://www.coronavirus.vic.gov.au/get-vaccinated