Six Degrees of Separation…

December 2024

Rosie Willis, Lifestyle Coordinator at Vasey RSL Care Brighton East, has come across a lot of interconnectedness at Vasey RSL Care Brighton East. This is what Rosie has found…

“We’ve had a long relationship with Bentleigh RSL Sub-branch who are very supportive of our community,” says Rosie. (Right – the Veterans Men’s Members Lunch, hosted by Bentleigh RSL Sub-branch – Liz (staff), Harold, Geoff, Chris (volunteer), Gilbert, Jeff, Ken, Ben and Barry).




“A new resident, John, is a life member at Caulfield RSL Sub-branch and through him, we were put in touch with their Welfare Officer, Greg Parr: as a result, he spoke at our Vietnam Veterans commemoration in August (far right). This led to meeting a resident from Vasey RSL Care Brighton, Graeme, a Vietnam Veteran (near right, middle).






“From this, regular Veterans lunches began at the Highett RSL, and the topic for one of these was the Battle of Leyte (pictured far right – Heidi (staff), Jeff, Fay, Dot, Harold, Ian, Garry and John). Then we discovered that our resident, Harold, was actually at the Battle of Leyte!





“Harold is connected through his family to Vietnam Veteran and volunteer, Garry Walker, who is a volunteer at Vasey RSL Care Brighton East.

Harold contacted Quilts of Valour Australia to put in a request for a quilt for Garry. His quilt (far right) was presented by Wyn Roper from Quilts of Valour (middle right).

It features horses – a particular passion of Garry’s – and the subject of a painting by him of a Lighthorseman riding a Waler which hangs proudly in our entry (right).





“So it turns out that Garry is a member of Highett RSL, and through him we are now in contact with their Welfare Officer, Roger Hynde, who has set up one-on-one visits to our veterans here at Vasey RSL Care Brighton East, which is greatly appreciated.

“And, we were able to borrow their historian, Jim Dale, for our Remembrance Day service this year, where he and Garry gave an address.







“But it’s not just RSL Sub-branches,” continues Rosie. “Before he retired, Rev Kevin Pedersen was a regular visitor and supporter of our community, and now, his wife, Rose, who leads the Ormond Anglican Strings, has organised a concert for our residents.





“And recently, one of our residents’ family members who has grandchildren at Gardenvale Primary School helped arrange visits from their Grade 4 class – and we look forward to this becoming a regular part of our calendar in 2025.



“These links and connections are so helpful to us in supporting residents to stay connected to the community and we greatly appreciate the wonderful support from all those mentioned.”