* 7 March 2023 *
As you read this, we will be reaching the third anniversary of the arrival of COVID-19. And another anniversary that has just passed is the first anniversary of the war in Ukraine. Countless lives have been lost fighting on both sides, more have been injured, and of those who survive, many will be affected for life by what they’ve witnessed. Like everyone, I just hope it comes to an end as quickly as it began.
While Australia is not currently engaged in any active theatre of war, there are over 60,000 people currently serving in the ADF. Some 6,000 leave each year and of these around 300 become homeless each year. They are not all sleeping rough: they might be sleeping on a mate’s couch, staying long term in a caravan, living back with family or even sleeping in their car. They could be in short-term emergency housing or in overcrowded and inadequate rooming houses.
For this to be the reality for those who have served our nation is shameful. We have a duty to help these men and women to overcome their challenges and be able to live a life they value. That’s why we are investing in the V Centre and asking Federal Government to help fund it so that lives can be changed for the better. I ask you to seriously consider how you can help us make this a reality (please see opposite).
New Volunteers
In our last issue, we called for people to join our team of volunteers and I’d like to send out a huge thank you to all those who responded.
For much of 2020 and 2021, volunteers were not permitted at our aged care homes, so we really appreciate this renewal of volunteers to provide the ‘icing on the cake’ for our residents.
If you’ve been thinking about it but not yet made the call, there is no deadline – just call the Lifestyle Coordinator at your preferred aged care home or call Krishna in our HR team on 9810 5529 during office hours, when you get the chance.
New Residential Star Ratings
In this issue you will find an article about the recently introduced Star Rating system for residential aged care. These have caused some concern across the aged care sector and as an organisation that works hard to provide the best possible quality of care for our community, we have been quite disappointed in the ratings we have received. However, we understand that there is always room for improvement and we will continue to do all we can to provide high quality care not just in our residential homes but across all our services. (Read more on page 5.)
Resident Surveys – Coming Soon
As part of the Star Ratings, the 2023 Residents’ Experience Survey is being undertaken at all four homes during February and March. Participation is voluntary and all responses are confidential.
Home Care Update
Over the next year, we will be making changes to the way we deliver home care services.
Currently we have our own team of Qualified Care Advisors who support clients to set up a suitable Personalised Care Plan – they have qualifications in nursing and allied health services. We also have Service Coordinators who provide phone assistance to coordinate clients’ services. The services themselves are provided through third party providers. As the number of clients has grown, we will now begin recruiting our own staff to carry support service provision, helping reduce the effect of changes in third party providers and helping us manage quality standards across our service.
Janna Voloshin,
Chief Executive Officer